It's been a while since my last entry... and for a while I wasn't sure I would be back. On May 29, I had a sudden stroke, so I've spent some time in the hospital. I had some serious problems, paralysis on my left side, speech difficulties and some other fun afflictions!
But I must be tough and not willing to give up quite yet! Within a couple of weeks, I was on my way to recovery and was released from hospital. My doctor was amazed that I had bounced back so quickly. It hasn't been all fun though - I still have a bit of trouble with my balance and fumble a phrase once in a while. But that happens less often now.
I was really depressed for a while, ready to give up on everything including my online activities, but that didn't last long. At the first signs of improvement, I dragged myself up by the garter straps and here I am again, ready to get back at it!
See you soon! Adrienne