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Adrienne's Blog
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
I've been... delayed.
Mood:  cheeky

It's been a while since my last entry... and for a while I wasn't sure I would be back. Undecided  On May 29, I had a sudden stroke, so I've spent some time in the hospital.  I had some serious problems, paralysis on my left side, speech difficulties and some other fun afflictions! 

But I must be tough and not willing to give up quite yet!  Within a couple of weeks, I was on my way to recovery and was released from hospital. My doctor was amazed that I had bounced back so quickly.  It hasn't been all fun though - I still have a bit of trouble with my balance and fumble a phrase once in a while.  But that happens less often now. Smile

I was really depressed for a while, ready to give up on everything including my online activities, but that didn't last long.  At the first signs of improvement, I dragged myself up by the garter straps and here I am again, ready to get back at it! Laughing

See you soon!  Adrienne


Posted by aquott at 12:35 PM CDT
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Saturday, 7 February 2009
My first entry
Mood:  caffeinated


I've always wondered how to start one of these things - now I'm going to find out! Smile

Here I sit at my computer, stuck in the house in the middle of another lovely Canadian winter.  Undecided  The groundhog has come and gone, leaving us with yet another ambiguous forecast on the length of winter.  He doesn't really have to bother - it's always far too long here, sunny or not.  Leave the little beast in his hole I say!

I finally dumped my slow dial up connection to the Internet and got a high speed hookup.  I can't believe the difference!  I don't know how I managed without one for so long.  Now I can watch all those nifty video clips without waiting half an hour for the blasted things to load!

Well, back to working on my website.  I'm giving it a general overhaul - hope it looks a bit better when I'm finished!

Ta ta for now!  -A-  Kiss


Posted by aquott at 1:45 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 7 February 2009 2:08 PM CST
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